Saturday, 29 March 2014

Summer Theme - Day 1 - Thematic Learning

~Medha is 3 years 1 month old~

Yes, most of you guessed it right by reading the example part in my previous post !!!!! SUMMER is our first theme. 

As it's Summer here, I thought this would be best theme to start with Medha. Of course this theme is not chosen as per her interest, but I felt this would be perfect one to start with as she can practically relate the things more.  

Here is what we've been doing in this theme. Let us know what you think. We hope by providing these ideas or information,  it will make your life easier and you can also do something similar for your kids!

Children are often curious about how things work and why things happen. Many times children notice the differences in climate and activities in each season and ask questions. Medha asked questions such as, "Why is it so hot?", "Why people are using umbrellas though it's not raining?"  Then I told her that it's Summer Season and this is how it will be.

Here is what we did?

We discussed because of whom it is hot? She immediately replied SUN. And asked to keep cool yourself what do you do? She thought for a while and answered she will switch on FAN, and she eat some cool foods and drink lots of water.  So I decided to start with the foods in Summer as first thing in the theme. 

Watermelon Craft

Ahh watermelons! They just speak summer don’t they? Summer days are hot and muggy and sometimes you need a little help cooling off. We did an activity to make watermelon slices using paper plate.

Materials : 

  • 1 Paper Plate 
  • Green, Red and Black Paint colors
  • 1 Paint Brush
  • 1 Scissor

How to do? 

  • Take a paper plate and Paint the rim (outside ring) of the paper plate green. his will be the rind or the outside of the watermelon.

Started with painting
Seriously involved
Finished rim part

  • Paint the center of the plate red. This will be the edible fruit area of the watermelon.

    • Once dry, use the handle end of a large paintbrush dipped in black paint to dot as the seeds. Medha didn't like to do in that way, she just painted dots with brush using black paint.

    • Fold the plate and cut in the half. 

    Now I will let the pictures talk about her happiness after doing this craft. She asked to give a watermelon piece to have. She gave poses with her own watermelon and real watermelon piece and asking " Amma, this is looking like real watermelon na? ".


    And after watermelon break, we read the book " The Watermelon Route" which has watermelons in the story.


    • I gave her a piece of watermelon without the rind (outer green part of watermelon) and gave some plastic knife. And asked her to cut into small pieces. This is to improve her hand muscles strength and cutting skills. 
    • Once she cut into pieces we made juice with it. She put the slices into blender and closed the lid and gave to mumma. Mumma fixed in the mixer grinder and Medha switched on and turned the knob to turn on. And also she served the juice for me into glass. 
    • We spoke about the taste of watermelon i.e. sweet, crisp, and juicy flavor, and varieties of watermelons too. As we get to see two varieties here one with dark green skin and other light green with stripes.

    • I also spoke about the shape of watermelon which is either oval or round. 
    • And also I told her that we can see SQUARE/CUBE watermelon in Japan. I also read that there are triangle, pyramid shape watermelons too. Then she asked me, "Ok, next time - you bring those shaped watermelons instead of this!!". :P 

    • We talked about Ice and ice creams also. We did Ice Making Activity - We poured water in a glass and kept in the refrigerator. And after some time we checked to see if Ice has formed. 
    • And then we did Ice Melting Activity. We took 2 glasses in which we made Ice as above and mixed salt in one glass and we saw that the glass with salt melted faster than plain ice glass. She liked this activity a lot and requested me to repeat it tomorrow also. So hope I can get some pictures of this tomorrow. 

    This is what we did till now for Summer theme. Now she is off to sleep. Hope we may do one other activity also today evening. Will include that tomorrow. 

    Happy Parenting!!


    1. Just day 1 and you achieved so much! There's so much to learn! Thanks a lot!

      1. Thank you so much Rashmi!! You made my day and your complements makes me more confident in what I am doing. :) Try with Swara too if any of these are not already tried by you and let me know how she enjoyed. :)

    2. nice activity to keep the kid occupied
